The Southwest neighborhood in Minneapolis is one of the finest in the metropolitan area due to its warm-hearted residents. From enjoying summer concerts to celebrating festivals, the residents like to spend more time with each other. The residents that live there consider themselves lucky to find a home in this particular neighborhood. If you are considering moving to the Southwest neighborhood, here are a few things you may want to know.
Neighborhood composition
The Southwest neighborhood is made up of nine areas. For instance, the western part of the neighborhood includes Armatage, Linden, and Fulton that are fancier than a number of the other areas. Several of the other popular areas within this neighborhood are East Harriet, Windom, Kingfield, and Kenny.
Population of your Southwest neighborhood
In accordance with the 2013 City Data report, the Southwest neighborhood of Minneapolis experienced a population of 52,953. Its population density is around 6503 people per square mile. One good reason why many people would like to move to this neighborhood is because it comes with a lower population density than several of the other neighborhoods in Minneapolis. People think that it’s more peaceful to stay in this neighborhood due to the relatively low population.
The overall income of the families in the Southwest neighborhood is a lot more than other neighborhoods in Minneapolis. The average annual income inside the neighborhood is close to $90,000, while the average annual income of Minneapolis is definitely over $50,000. You will find little or no signs and symptoms of poverty, and you are not likely to see homeless people roaming around in the neighborhood.
Many of the households in this neighborhood include families. 47% in the households comprise of married people or families. Because the families in this neighborhood are affluent, they don’t mind paying a comparatively high price to buy houses or pay rent. The average cost of single-family detached homes is a lot more than $400,000, while the approximately monthly rent is almost $1000.
Total well being
The Southwest neighborhood residents enjoy high-quality educational opportunities, job availability, and healthcare facilities. Moreover, it includes Minneapolis’s best school, Southwest High School.
In addition to having some of the best schools, the neighborhood has opportunities for a variety of industries, thus making it an economically affluent location to live. The commute to work doesn’t take very long because office-goers don’t face an excessive amount of traffic. This isn’t the same with the other Minneapolis neighborhoods, where people complain about waiting in traffic for a long time every single day.
In addition to the happy job culture, another reason why this neighborhood stands out is caused by its peacefulness. If you like a place which is calm and quiet, you should consider this neighborhood for your new home.
Overall, the Southwest neighborhood is undoubtedly one of the best neighborhood in Minneapolis. Sure, you may have to pay a higher price to get a property, but it’s worth every penny, with the amenities you get.
Lake Harriet
Head west on W 50th St toward Knox Ave S. Turn right onto Upton Ave S. Continue onto Sheridan Ave S. Turn right onto W 42nd StTurn right onto W Lake Harriet Blvd/Lake Harriet Pkwy
Patiserrie 46
From Lake Harriet – Head southwest on W Lake Harriet Blvd/Lake Harriet Pkwy toward W 45th St. Turn right onto W 44th St. Turn right onto Pleasant AveTurn right at the 2nd cross street onto W 46th St
Lyndale Rose Garden
From Patisserie 46 – Head west on W 46th St toward Harriet Ave. Turn right onto Lyndale Ave S. Turn left onto W 42nd St. Turn right onto Dupont Ave S. Turn left onto Roseway Rd
Armatage Park
From Lyndale Rose Garden – Head northeast on Roseway Rd toward Dupont Ave S. Turn right onto Dupont Ave S. Turn right onto W 50th St. Turn left onto Penn Ave S. Turn right onto W 58th St. Turn right at the 1st cross street onto Russell Ave STurn right
The Museum of Russian Art
From Armatage PGet on MN-62 E in Richfield from Penn Ave S. Continue on MN-62 E. Take I-35W N to 2nd Ave S in Minneapolis. Take exit 12 from I-35W N. Drive to E Diamond Lake Rdark –
Ambrose Law Firm, Minneapolis DWI & Criminal Lawyers
The Museum of Russian Art – Get on I-35W N. Continue on I-35W N to S 5th Ave/Fifth Ave S. Continue on S 5th Ave/Fifth Ave S. Take S 7th St to South 6th St
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