A consequence of breaking a DANCO is a new criminal charge. This is a new domestic violence-related offense which can be a misdemeanor, gross misdemeanor, or felony. Domestic violence-related offenses are enhanceable, meaning the more you get within a 10-year period the more severe the consequences. If you violate a DANCO within 10 years of…

A frequently asked question by all parties involved in a domestic abuse no contact order (DANCO) is: how do you remove a DANCO? Commonly, one of the parties needs to bring a motion before the court asking that the DANCO be lifted (removed). The judge will listen to the parties at the hearing about the…

A Domestic Abuse No Contact Order, commonly referred to as a DANCO, is a specific order that limits the contact one person can have with another. DANCOs are commonly issued in assault-related cases. DANCOs typically state that person X is not allowed to have any contact with person Y, either directly or indirectly. This means…


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