First Degree DWI is a felony level offense in Minnesota. It does not get higher than that for a DWI in Minnesota. For a first-time felony DWI in Minnesota, the maximum punishment is up to seven years in prison and a $14,000 fine. A first-time felony DWI in Minnesota does not mean a person will…

Second Degree DWI is a gross misdemeanor level offense in Minnesota. This level of offense carries a maximum punishment of up to one year in jail and a $3,000 fine. Second Degree DWI is the second most severe level of DWI in Minnesota. First Degree DWI is the only more serious DWI and is a…

Third Degree DWI in Minnesota is a gross misdemeanor level offense. Gross misdemeanors have a maximum punishment of up to one year in jail and a $3,000 fine. Third Degree DWI is neither the most severe, nor least severe DWI. First Degree DWI is the most serious in Minnesota, which is a felony level offense….

Fourth Degree DWI in Minnesota is a misdemeanor offense. While misdemeanors have a maximum punishment of up to ninety days in jail and a $1,000 fine, Fourth Degree DWI is the lowest level of DWI in Minnesota. First Degree DWI is the most severe as a felony. Second and Third Degree DWI are gross misdemeanor…

Short answer: forever. Longer answer: for insurance purposes it may be shorter. If you get an expungement of your Minnesota DWI, then it can be on your record for less time. For enhancement purposes, it is a ten-year time frame in Minnesota. Every insurance company is different. How the company treats even one DWI can…

Short answer: unlikely for most people. Longer answer: it depends on how serious your first DWI is and where in Minnesota your DWI occurred. Most first time MN DWI offenses are 4th Degree DWIs. This is the least severe DWI for first-time offenders who have an alcohol concentration level below .16. It also is the…

In Minnesota, the cost of a DWI generally varies based on the severity of the charge. The more serious the charge, the more likely it is going to cost you more money. There are four degrees of DWI in Minnesota. The most serious is a first-degree felony DWI. The least severe is a fourth-degree misdemeanor…

In Minnesota, DWI and DUI are basically synonymous terms. DWI stands for Driving While Impaired. DUI means Driving Under the Influence. Some states use DUI, others DWI, and some OWI. They all basically mean the same thing – that someone was driving while under the influence or while impaired. Minnesota uses the term DWI –…

Yes. It is worth getting a lawyer for a DUI in Minnesota. Of course, you expect that to be an answer from a private law firm practicing criminal defense. But, a DUI lawyer who knows the nuances of DUI laws can add a level of knowledge that you otherwise may not have. Further, being charged…

When evaluating whether you can beat your DWI case in Minnesota, a common first analysis is to look at how you came in contact with the police. Often, DWI cases start with a traffic stop. Others may begin with the vehicle already at a place of rest. In either scenario, you will want to review…


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