A DUI in Minneapolis is more than just a legal issue – it’s a turning point in life. The financial burden, the time spent behind bars, and the emotional toll can be overwhelming. But amidst the hardship, there are valuable lessons to be learned. Lessons that have the power to transform and shape one’s future….

Driving while intoxicated is dangerous and a mistake you likely wish you hadn’t made. You now face charges that could result in losing your license or jail time, but that’s not all you should worry about. In fact, a DWI has many lasting consequences not related to your court date. When you get a DWI,…

Drunk driving cases can be very serious. However, any type of accident will increase the severity of the driver’s consequences. Accidents refer to incidents that involve the drunk driver’s vehicle or another person or property. Our drunk driving lawyers will examine drunk driving cases from a defense perspective. We will discuss what to do right…

 We speak to dozens who ask these questions every day:    Am I really required to hire a lawyer in my DWI case.  What can I do to help my DUI case?  If I represent myself, won’t I get the same deal with the prosecutor? These are legitimate questions. These are legitimate questions that some…

After being stopped on suspicion of DWI, those suspected of gross misdemeanor or felony DWI may be detained and transported directly to jail. The time spent in jail is pending an appearance in court. Unfortunately, a person arrested without a warrant may spend four or more days in jail before appearing in court, which can…

Even for first-time offenders, a conviction for driving while impaired (DWI) in Minnesota carries severe consequences. Even if a person convicted of DWI avoids jail time, they may still be haunted by other consequences. There is no definitive answer to the question, “What is the punishment for a first DWI in Minnesota?” In Minnesota, not…

According to Minnesota Statute 169A.63, when a vehicle is used to commit a crime, including driving while intoxicated (DWI) offenses, it can be forfeited. This means that the arresting agency has the authority to seize and forfeit the vehicle in certain DWI cases. If the owner does not recover the vehicle, the agency may sell…

At the end of the day, there is no other criminal offense comparable to a DWI in which people from all walks of life face the possibility of facing criminal charges at some point in their lives. In Minnesota, a relatively small amount of alcohol can result in a person being “over the limit” for…

Short answer: unlikely for most people. Longer answer: it depends on how serious your first DWI is and where in Minnesota your DWI occurred. Most first time MN DWI offenses are 4th Degree DWIs. This is the least severe DWI for first-time offenders who have an alcohol concentration level below .16. It also is the…

Yes. It is worth getting a lawyer for a DUI in Minnesota. Of course, you expect that to be an answer from a private law firm practicing criminal defense. But, a DUI lawyer who knows the nuances of DUI laws can add a level of knowledge that you otherwise may not have. Further, being charged…


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